Frank Golatowski

Frank Golatowski
Tel.: +49 381 498 7274
Raum: 103
Research interests
- Real-Time Embedded Systems
- Distributed Embedded Systems
- Service-oriented Architectures for Embedded Systems
- Resource-constrained Embedded Systems and IoT
- Systems Engineering
- Safety and Security for Dependable Systems
Running Projects
- BMBF/ITEA GenerIoT (11/2022-10/2025) - Generating and Deploying Lightweight, Secure and Zero-overhead Software for Multipurpose IoT Devices
- BMBF 6G-Health (10/2022-10/2025) - integrative Lokalisierungsfunktionen für reale medizintechnische Anwendungen
- BMFK KliNet5G (04/2022-03/2025)- Klinische Netzwerke via 5G - TP: Lokalisierung von medizinischem Equipment in 5G-Campus-Netzen
- BMBF SUSTAIN(04/2023-03/2026) - IIoT-Sicherheit in Material Handling und Produktion
- BBSR PnP-EMS (09/2023-08/2026) - gestütztes Energie-und Lastenmanagement für den nachhaltigen Gebäudebetrieb
- BMWK CargoAssist (08/2023-07/2026) - Entwicklung einer auswertbaren, digitalen Sensor- und Datenplattform für das automatisierte Überwachen und Handling von Ladungen jeder Art auf Schiffen
- WS4D - WebService for Devices
- Selected Topics in Embedded Systems Design / Selected Topics in Medical Embedded Systems (Winter Semester)
- Real-Time Systems (Winter Semester)
- Distributed Embedded Systems (Summer Semester)
- All Lectures on this Semester
- All Lectures
Participation in Conferences
- PC chair, IEEE WFCS 2024 Toulouse, France
- TPC member, RSSRail 2023 Berlin, Germany
- Track chair, IEEE ETFA 2023 Sinaia, Romania
- Publication chair, IEEE WFCS 2023 Pavia, Italy
- Track chair, IEEE ETFA 2022 Stuttgart, Germany
- TPC member, RSSRail 2022, Paris, France
- Publication chair, IEEE WFCS 2022 Pavia, Italy
- Track chair, IEEE ETFA 2021 Västeras, Sweden
- PC chair, IEEE WFCS 2020 Porto, Portugal (virtual)
- Special Session organizer at IEEE IECON 2019 Lisbon, Portugal
- Special Session organizer at IEEE INDIN 2019 Helsinki, Finland
- PC chair, IEEE ICPS 2019 Taipeh, Taiwan
- TPC member, IEEE ICPS 2018 St. Petersburg
- IEEE SOCNE Workshop 2017, Peking, China
- Technical Committee on Factory Automation, IEEE IES Community
- Sub-committee Wireless Sensor Networks and Cyberphysical Systems
- OR.NET e.V. (Secure dynamic networking in the operating room and clinic)
Finished projects
- BMBF/ITEA I2PANEMA - Intelligent, IoT-based Port Artefacts Communication, Administration and Maintenance (11/2019 -12/2022)
- BMF/ITEA ITEA-Projekt OPTIMUM - OPTimised Industrial IoT and Distributed Control Platform for Manufacturing and Material Handling (09/2017-06/2021)
- BMWi PoCSpec - Modular Spezialisations for Point-of-Care Medical Devices (11/2019-10/2021)
- Horizon (EU) certMILS Compositional Security Certification for Medium- to High-Assurance COTS-based Systems (01/2017-06/2021)
- BBSR EUSEBIUS -Effective Security Mechanisms in Building Automation (10/2016-09/2018)
- BMBF MoVE - Modular Validation Environment for Medical Device Networks (04/2017-03/2020)
- BMF/ITEA BaaS - Building as a Service (08/2013-12/2016)
- BMBF/ITEA openETCS - Open Proofs Methodology for the European Train Control Onboard System (7/2011 – 06/2013)
- BMBF OR.NET - Hospital and operation room standard compliant interconnected (7/2011-06/2013)
- BMBF-Project CELISCA (2005 -2010)
- ITEA Project uServiceUbiquitous Service Infrastructure for the Mobile Super Prosumer (2009 - 2012)
- ITEA Project OSAMIOpen Source Commons for Ambient Intelligence (2008 - 2011)
- ITEA Project LOMSLocation based mobile services (2006 - 2008)
- ITEA Project SIRENAService Infrastructure for Real time Embedded Networked Applications (2003 - 2006)
- RoboCup Small-sized League (Team CoolRUNners) (1999-2006)
- DFG-Project Middleware for spontanous networking mobile sensor networks
- DFG- Project Rapid prototyping of embedded systems with hard real-time constraints