Alexander Lehnert

Alexander Lehnert

Alexander Lehnert
Tel.: +49 381 498 7262
Raum: 110


  • Integrierte Systeme


Alexander Lehnert, Falko Gawantka, Jonas During, Franz Just, Marc Reichenbach:
XplAInable: Explainable AI Smoke Detection at the Edge
In Journal Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Vol. 8, Issue 5, Artikel Nr. 50, pp. 1-22, DOI: 10.3390/bdcc8050050, ISSN: 2504-2289, MDPI-Verlag, Basel, Schweiz, Mai 2024

Rolf Meyer, Mladen Berekovic, Alexander Lehnert, Marc Reichenbach:
TwinSpace Opens up Possibilities for Energy and Resource Efficiency
In Journal HiPEAC info, Vol. 70, p. 7, Gent, Belgien, Oktober 2023

Alexander Lehnert, Hans Rosenberger, Ralf Müller, Marc Reichenbach:
More Efficient CMMs on FPGAs: Instantiated Ternary Adders for Computation Coding
In Procceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2023), pp. 275-289, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-42921-7, Cottbus, Deutschland, September 2023

Johannes Knödtel, Hector Gerardo Muñoz Hernandez, Alexander Lehnert, Gia Bao Thieu, Sven Gesper, Guillermo Payá-Vayá, Marc Reichenbach:
TAPRE-HBM: Trace-Based Processor Rapid Emulation Using HBM on FPGAs
In Procceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2023), pp. 307-321, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-42921-7, Cottbus, Deutschland, September 2023

Alexander Lehnert, Philipp Holzinger, Simon Pfenning, Ralf Müller, Marc Reichenbach:
Most Resource Efficient Matrix Vector Multiplication on FPGAs
In Journal IEEE Access, Vol.11, pp. 3881--3898, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3234622, Januar 2023