Publikationen 2010

Anzahl: 55

Benjamin Wagner, Philipp Gorski, Frank Golatowski, Ralf Behnke, Dirk Timmermann, Kerstin Thurow:
Location based Wireless Sensor Services in Life Science Automation
4th International Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN'10), In Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 82-93, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 978-3-642-17519-0, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dezember 2010

Hagen Sämrow, Claas Cornelius, Jakob Salzmann, Andreas Tockhorn, Dirk Timmermann:
Utilizing Parallelism of TMR to Enhance Power Efficiency of Reliable ASIC Designs Folien
6th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, ICCES'10, pp. 251-256, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7041-9, Kairo, Ägypten, Dezember 2010

Joachim Falk, Christian Zebelein, Joachim Keinert, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich, Shuvra Bhattacharyya:
Analysis of SystemC Actor Networks for Efficient Synthesis
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, New York, U.S.A., Dezember 2010

Tim Wegner, Claas Cornelius, Martin Gag, Andreas Tockhorn, Adelinde Uhrmacher, :
Simulation of Thermal Behavior for Networks-on-Chip Folien
28th NORCHIP Conference, pp. 1-4, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8971-8, Tampere, Finnland, November 2010

Daniela Ruth, Birgit Krumpholz:
Keine Milchmädchen - MINT-Frauen in MV, Pecha-Kucha Vortrag Folien
3. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Mannheim, Deutschland, November 2010

Sebastian Unger, Elmar Zeeb, Holger Grandy, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
Extending the Devices Profile for Web Services for Secure Mobile Device Communication
4th International Workshop on Trustworthy Internet of People, Things & Services colocated at the Internet of Things 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7414-1, Tokyo, Japan, November 2010

Michael Glaß, Martin Lukasiewycz, Felix Reimann, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich:
Symbolic System Level Reliability Analysis
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, U.S.A., November 2010

Tim Wegner, Claas Cornelius, Andreas Tockhorn, Dirk Timmermann:
Monitoring and Control of Temperature in Networks-on-Chip Folien
6th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2010), pp. 184-192, ISBN: 978-80-87342-10-7, Mikulov, Tschechische Republik, Oktober 2010

Joachim Falk, Joachim Keinert, Christian Zebelein, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich:
Integrated Modeling Using Finite State Machines and Dataflow Graphs
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems, Rostock, Deutschland, Oktober 2010

Felix Reimann, Michael Glaß, Christian Haubelt, Michael Eberl, Jürgen Teich:
Improving Platform-Based System Synthesis by Satisfiability Modulo Theories Solving
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), Scottsdale, U.S.A., Oktober 2010

Peter Danielis, Maik Gotzmann, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
A Peer-To-Peer-based Storage Platform for Storing Session Data in Internet Access Networks Folien
World Telecommunications Congress (WTC 2010), pp. 5-10, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3303-3, Wien, Österreich, September 2010

Claas Cornelius, Philipp Gorski, Stephan Kubisch, Dirk Timmermann:
Trading hardware overhead for communication performance in mesh-type topologies Folien
13th Euromicro conference on Digital System Design (DSD), pp. 173-180, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4171-6, Lille, Frankreich, September 2010

Ralf Behnke, Jakob Salzmann, Dirk Timmermann:
sDLSne - Improved Scalable Distributed Least Squares Localization with minimized Communication
21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010), pp. 1693-1698, ISBN: 978-0-4244-8015-9, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010

Martin Gag, Tim Wegner, Dirk Timmermann:
System Level Power Estimation of System-on-Chip Interconnects in Consideration of Transition Activity and Crosstalk Folien
International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2010), pp. 21-30, ISBN: 978-3-642-17751-4, Grenoble, Frankreich, September 2010

Ralf Warmuth, Stefan Goldmann, Ralf Salomon:
WiiLoc: a Step Towards Efficient Device Identification in Large Office Buildings by Wii-Based Localization
IEEE 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), pp. 1-6, Bilbao, Spanien, September 2010

Elmar Zeeb, Guido Moritz, Dirk Timmermann, Frank Golatowski:
Towards component orientation in embedded web service environments
15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), pp. 1 - 8, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6848-5 , Bilbao, Spanien, September 2010

Elmar Zeeb, Guido Moritz, Dirk Timmermann, Frank Golatowski:
WS4D: Toolkits for networked embedded systems based on the Devices Profile for Web Services
International Workshop on Compilers, Languages and Architectures for Web Services (CLAWS 2010), pp. 1-8, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7918-4 , San Diego, California, USA, September 2010

Frank Sill Torres, Claas Cornelius, Dirk Timmermann:
Reliability Enhancement of Pipelined ADC
13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, pp. 215 - 220, Rostock, Deutschland, September 2010

Claas Cornelius, Hagen Sämrow, Dirk Timmermann:
Router layout for reduced area costs in networks-on-chip
13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, pp. 125 - 130, Rostock, Deutschland, September 2010

Gerald Bieber, Christopher Sablowski, Andre Luthardt, Marian Lüder, Ralf Salomon, Bodo Urban:
Erkennung der körperlichen Aktivität beim Schwimmen mittels Beschleunigungssensoren
5. Kongress Multimediatechnik, Wismar, ISBN: 978-3-00-032154-2 , Wismar, Deutschland, September 2010

Matthias Schneider, Ralf Salomon:
Theoretical analysis and validated experiments of the localization by superposing beats
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indor Navigation (IPIN 2010), pp. 679-685, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5862-2, Zürich, Schweiz, September 2010

Daniela Ruth:
Netzwerktagung des ''Nationalen Paktes für Frauen in MINT-Berufen'' 2010, Berlin, Deutschland, September 2010

Martin Streubühr, Jens Gladigau, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich:
Efficient Approximately-Timed Performance Modeling for Architectural Exploration of MPSoCs
Advances in Design Methods from Modeling Languages for Embedded Systems and SoC's, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, September 2010

Stephan Kubisch, Dirk Timmermann:
Zuverlässigkeit und Energieeffizienz in der Nanoelektronik
Traditio et Innovation, Forschungsmagazin der Universität Rostock, ISSN: 1432-1513, Volume 14, Number 3, pp. 41-43, Rostock, Deutschland, August 2010

Jiaxi You, Qi Han, Dominik Lieckfeldt, Jakob Salzmann, Dirk Timmermann:
Virtual position based geographic routing for wireless sensor networks
Computer Communications, Elsevier Journal on, pp. 1255-1265, Kidlington, United Kingdom, Juli 2010

Guido Moritz, Elmar Zeeb, Steffen Prüter, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann, Regina Stoll:
Devices Profile for Web Services and the REST
8th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-7298-7, pp. 584 - 591, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7298-7, Osaka, Japan, Juli 2010

Stefan Goldmann, Ralf Salomon:
AGE-P: Moving from concept to technical realization
IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010), pp. 810-818, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8126-2, Barcelona, Spanien, Juli 2010

Elmar Zeeb, Guido Moritz, Wolfgang Thronicke, Myriam Lipprandt, Andreas Hein, Frerk Müller, Jan Krüger, Oliver Dohndorf, Anna Litvina, Christoph Fiehe, Ingo Lück, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
Generic Platform for Advanced E-Health Applications
12th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (HealthCom 2010), pp. 201-208, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6375-6, Lyon, Frankreich, Juli 2010

Ralf Salomon, Marian Lüder, Gerald Bieber:
iFall - Case Studies in Unexpected Falls
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), pp. 1645 - 1650, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6391-6, Bari, Italien, Juli 2010

Carsten Rust, Petra Kösters, Alexandra Chapko, Andreas Emrich, Marc Gräßle, Dirk Werth, Stephan Flake, Jürgen Tacken, Steffen Prüter, Frank Golatowski:
uRun – Der mobile Gesundheitscoach
GI-Jahrestagung 2010, Workshop Fit by IT, Band 175, S. 9-14, ISBN: 978-3-88579-269-7, Leipzig, Deutschland, Juli 2010

Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich:
Digitale Hardware/Software-Systeme: Spezifikation und Verifikation
Digitale Hardware/Software-Systeme: Spezifikation und Verifikation, Heidelberg, Germany, Juli 2010

Jens Gladigau, Andreas Gerstlauer, Christian Haubelt, Martin Streubühr, Jürgen Teich:
A System-Level Synthesis Approach from Formal Application Models to Generic Bus-Based MPSoCs
Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), pp. 118-125, Samos, Greece, Juli 2010

Jakob Salzmann, Ralf Behnke, Dirk Timmermann:
Tessellating Cell Shapes for Geographical Clustering
10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2010), pp. 2891-2896, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4108-2, Bradford, United Kingdom, Juni 2010

Ralf Behnke, Jakob Salzmann, Stephan Simanowksi, Dirk Timmermann:
Efficient Localized Detection of Erroneous Nodes (ELDEN)
10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2010), pp. 2884-2890, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4108-2, Bradford, UK, Juni 2010

Michael Ditze, Frank Golatowski, Nico Laum, Sven Gustafsson, Andras Varhelyi, Konstantina Geramani:
A Survey on Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems for Adverse Weather Conditions
A Survey on Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems for Adverse Weather Conditions, FISITA World Automotive Congress, Budapest, Ungarn, Juni 2010

Michael Glaß, Martin Lukasiewycz, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich:
Towards Scalable System-Level Reliability Analysis
Proceedings of the 2010 Design Automation Conference (DAC 2010), Anaheim, U.S.A., Juni 2010

Philipp Gorski, Frank Golatowski, Ralf Behnke, Christian Fabian, Kerstin Thurow, Dirk Timmermann:
Wireless Sensor Networks in Life Science Applications
3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2010), pp. 594-598, Rzeszow, Poland, Mai 2010 (Best Paper Award)

Ralf Behnke, Jakob Salzmann, Dirk Timmermann:
Improvements on Scalable Distributed Least Squares Localization for Large Wireless Sensor Networks
5th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC'2010), pp. 273-277, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6857-7, Modena, Italy, Mai 2010

Michael Lüdtke, Viola von Oeynhausen, Birgit Krumpholz:
Das „Rostocker Wissenschaftsjahr 2009“ – auch ohne Titel Stadt der Wissenschaft Folien
Keine Angst vor Wissenschaft! Wie man Schülerinnen und Schüler für Wissenschaft begeistert, Giessen, Deutschland, Mai 2010

Ralf Salomon, Ralf Joost, Wiebke Schwelgengräber:
The Model Railroad as an Inspiring Platform for Microelectronics Education
8th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, pp. 98-101, Darmstadt, Deutschland, Mai 2010

Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann:
Use of Peer-To-Peer Technology in Internet Access Networks and its Impacts Folien
IPDPS 2010 PhD Forum, pp. 1-3, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6533-0, Atlanta, USA, April 2010

Guido Moritz, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timermann, Regina Stoll:
Encoding and Compression for the Devices Profile for Web Services
5th International IEEE Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-6701-3 , pp. 514 - 519, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6701-3 , Perth, Australien, April 2010

Andreas Tockhorn, Claas Cornelius, Hagen Sämrow, Dirk Timmermann:
Modeling Temperature Distribution in Networks-on-Chip using RC-Circuits Folien
Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS2010), 13th IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 229-232, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6610-8, Wien, Österreich, April 2010

Wiebke Schwelgengräber, Ralf Salomon, Ralf Joost:
The Model Railroad as an Example Avoiding Tacit Knowledge in Microelectronics Studies
2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2010), pp. 246 - 251, ISBN: 978-989-674-024-5, Valencia, Spanien, April 2010

Felix Reimann, Andreas Kern, Christian Haubelt, Thilo Streichert, Jürgen Teich:
Echtzeitanalyse Ethernet-basierter E/E-Architekturen im Automobil
GMM-Fachbericht -- Automotive meets Electronics (AmE 2010), Rostock, Deutschland, April 2010

Peter Danielis, Jan Skodzik, Carsten Lorenz, Dirk Timmermann, Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow:
P-DONAS: A Prototype for a P2P-based Domain Name System in Access Networks Folien
DATE University Booth, Dresden, Deutschland, März 2010

Guido Moritz, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann, Regina Stoll:
encDPWS - Message Encoding of SOAP Web Services
8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom2010), ISBN: 978-1-4244-6605-4 , pp. 784 - 787, ISBN: 978-1-4244-6605-4 , Mannheim, Deutschland, März 2010

Ralf Salomon, Marian Lüder, Gerald Bieber:
iFall - a New Embedded System for the Detection of Unexpected Falls
Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, pp. 286-291, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5328-3, Mannheim, Deutschland, März 2010

Christian Zebelein, Joachim Falk, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich, Rainer Dorsch:
Efficient High-Level Modeling in the Networking Domain
Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2010), Dresden, Germany, März 2010

Jakob Salzmann, Ralf Behnke, Dirk Timmermann:
Redundancy Aware Clustering via Centroid Localization Technique
Architecture of Computing Systems ARCS, pp. 359-365, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3222-7, Hannover, Deutschland, Februar 2010

Christian Haubelt, Dirk Koch, Felix Reimann, Thilo Streichert, Jürgen Teich:
ReCoNets – Design Methodology for Embedded Systems Consisting of Small Networks of Reconfigurable Nodes and Connections
Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, Februar 2010

Joachim Falk, Christian Zebelein, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich, Rainer Dorsch:
Integrating Hardware/Firmware Verification Efforts Using SystemC High-Level Models
Tagungsband des 13. ITG/GI/GMM Workshops für Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen, Dresden, Germany, Februar 2010

Rainer Kiesel, Otto Löhlein, Anestis Terzis, Martin Streubühr, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich:
Actor-oriented Modeling of Driver Assistance Systems for Efficient Multi-Core ECU Implementation
Tagungsband des 13. ITG/GI/GMM Workshops für Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen, Rostock, Deutschland, Februar 2010

Torsten Gorath, Marco Eichelberg, Andreas Hein, Elmar Zeeb, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann:
Technologieunabhängige Geräteintegration des OSAmI-Projekts
3. Deutscher AAL Kongress, Paper 7.1, 5 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-8007-3209-8, Berlin, Deutschland, Januar 2010

Michael Glaß, Martin Lukasiewycz, Christian Haubelt, Jürgen Teich:
Lifetime Reliability Optimization for Embedded Systems: A System-Level Approach
Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT '10), Bangalore, India, Januar 2010